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2021-01-07 110729

Return to nature and environmental protection in beautiful colours

"Botanical dyeing is the technique of dyeing fabrics with natural plant dyes, a traditional Chinese fabric dyeing method that is natural, environmentally friendly and artistic in a way that modern industrial dyeing cannot express.

bacterial stain


The use of bacteria-derived pigments for garment dyeing has a number of potential future benefits, including sustainability, environmental friendliness and biotechnological applications. The following are some of the relevant potential benefits and future trends:

Sustainability and eco-friendliness: Bacteria-derived natural pigments offer sustainability and environmental benefits over synthetic dyes. The process of producing these natural colours is often greener, reducing the need for chemical synthetic dyes and helping to reduce environmental impact.

Innovations in bio-dyes: Biotechnology and genetic engineering can be used to modify bacteria to increase or change the type and yield of pigments they produce. This offers potential opportunities for innovative bio-dyes, enabling the design of natural pigments in a wider range of types and colours.

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