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Algae Vase




2019年11 月

Oxygen is an indispensable "vital energy source" for the human body, it is an important material basis for the energy required for the body'sfunctional activities and is one of the kevs to the bodv's metabolic initiation mechanism.
The metabolic process of the human body must have suficient oxygen, and various nutrients must be combined with oxygen in order tocomplete the physiological oxidation process and produce energy.
Therefore, oxygen is the key substance for the metabolic activity of the human body and is the first need for the movement of lifeOxygen is the most important source of energy to sustain life. We breathe in every second, nhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. lt is thisinhalation and exhalation. lt has been proven that if the body has enough oxygen.
it can sustain life for about 7 davs without food and 3 days without food and drink. but without oxyaen it can only sustain life for a few minuteseven without a lack of food and drink.
So we have to make sure that we have enough oxygen, and this makes it necessary to think about how humans should survive in the absenceof oxygen.

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