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Pets House

The vast area of corn cultivation in Northeast China produces a large amount of cornstalks (also known as corn stover) every year. Due to improper treatment and utilisation, the problem of wastage of cornstalks is more serious, which is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

Incineration treatment:

Due to the limitations of treatment facilities and methods, many farmers choose to burn corn stalks directly. This method not only wastes valuable biological resources, but also produces a large amount of smoke and pollutants, which seriously affects air quality and causes environmental pollution.
Piling up and rotting:

A large number of cornstalks are piled up in the field and left to rot naturally. This is not only a waste of resources, but may also lead to field compaction and affect soil health.
Low utilisation:

Although maize stalks have a variety of potential uses (e.g., livestock feed, organic fertiliser, industrial raw material, etc.), the actual utilisation rate is very low and most of them are regarded as waste due to the lack of appropriate technology and market channels.
Lack of effective collection and processing systems:

The collection, transport and processing of maize stalks require specialised equipment and technology, and the lack of appropriate infrastructure in many places has resulted in large quantities of maize stalks not being effectively utilised.

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That's why we use discarded cornstalks and transform them by compressing them. Made into a pet kennel.
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